Daniel Rosini: An Artist’s Evolution
“The world without art would be meaningless to us if there is no light and color, which opens up our minds and expresses passion.” – Daniel Rosini – Tattoo Artist / Ring Maker / Business Owner
Skilled in Tattooing, Ring Designing, Business Management, and Graphic development. Comparatively, Daniel Rosini is an experienced business owner with a demonstrated history of working in the fine art industry as a tattoo artist. He is an arts professional with a background focused in marketing and hand crafted designing.
“My preferred tattooing style leans strictly towards color realism. My rings are designed with a touch of fashion and creative lighting. My photos are inspired by light, color, techniques from black & white processing, vintage filtering, creative perspective, and of course, most importantly, the personalities of the objects I photograph. These are the projects that I have found throughout my career that I have a strong passion for.”
Daniel Rosini started an artistic journey when he was young. Just like most kids drew all the time, he made it a point to focus on this as a career. Something to make a decent living off of and something he could have fun with at the same time.

In 1995 Daniel became a tattoo artist. After about 10 years in the industry he decided to partner up and open a brand of studios that have proven to be very successful since they were opened back in 2006. Pure Ink Tattoo soon grew to become one of the top studios to go to in New Jersey. With a staff fully loaded with experience and a great attitude towards the arts, Pure Ink became what was sought out at the beginning – a true tattoo studio, up to date and highly talked about.
“It’s an amazing feeling to be able to create an environment for both employees and clients to love what they see and do on a daily basis. It’s truly inspiring!”
Something that Daniel Rosini has achieved throughout his journey is the profound happiness of business ownership. It has become one of his most successful endeavors. To be able to create an atmosphere for his employees that is both enjoying and beneficial has been a main goal of his since opening his Pure Ink Tattoo brand. In turn he has a fully experienced staff that is more than happy to serve all their clients with efficiency and pleasure. This keep his clients returning for years to come. It’s been a successful mission of his since day one and Daniel makes sure that mindset keeps the straight and narrow on his agenda.
“There will come a time where I will back off on certain projects to be able to fulfill others, but I will never find myself fully absent from any of them. I love what I do so much, it would be heartbreaking to let go of any of them fully. I’m in this for the long run! I love my clients, my employees and my businesses. They have all gave me what I have always dreamed of having, and that’s success in my career as not only a tattoo artist, but an ARTIST.”
A New Adventure In Luxury Rings
Daniel Rosini is the founder and hands behind the ring creations you find here. In 2010, He discovered a new passion—luxury ring making. After years of admiring and researching rings, Daniel launched a solo project that redefined his artistic portfolio. By mid-2017, Daniel had limited his tattoo bookings to focus on this new venture, leading to the creation of a unique line of “Dark Luxury Jewelry”. With over 20 years of tattooing experience, Daniel thinks it’s about time to bring a new project to the table.
And so… Rings were born
Creating luxury rings is a solo art project for Daniel Rosini. This venture had been under wraps for years before taking shape.
“It’s something that I’ve wanted to do after getting sucked into a love for rings back in 2015. Always looking, admiring, and researching but never took the leap… until mid-2017. I have been so engulfed in tattoo work that I have neglected other mediums. It’s not just tattooing that gives me a drive for art, there are other things. So, I grabbed a hold of one of those things and I am going full steam ahead.”
With over 25 years of art experience and years of machining experience, Daniel Rosini takes his creative development into the world of something he’s calling “Dark Luxury Jewelry” and makes his creations available to all by request only. Daniel Rosini has pioneered the world’s first Human Bone Lume Hybrid, and is the only person globally who crafts these rings. With careful planning and patience, he was able to bring such a handmade rarity to the industry in a most original way. Human bone you can now wear on the outside – and all with glowing accents. A most unique way in bringing some light into something so dark.
Let’s rewind history for a bit – Ring maker and artist Daniel had initially started out creating bright and luminescent rings. It has been an amazing journey for him to work with and appreciate a variety of high-quality materials such as Damascus, Superconductor, Mokume-Gane, Stabilized Wood Hybrids, Titanium, and Carbon Fiber, just to name a few. With the Lume Ring industry becoming saturated, Daniel was constantly on a hunt for new material.
“There are so many talented ring makers out there. Crazy designs being made on the daily. With so much competition in the art of ring-making, I needed to find a way to do something different. Something uncommon. So, I took the game, threw it away, and made my own.”
Scouring the internet to look for a game changer was a constant effort for Daniel. Mid-June of 2017, Daniel’s hunt for a staple material came to fruition… and it was right in front of his face the entire time.
“Being a closet bone collector, it never even dawned on me to try to make a ring out of human bone. I mean, I’ve made rings out of mammoth teeth before, why not human bones? Ok, maybe it’s a bit morbid to some, but I don’t think of it in that sense. To give life again to something that is decaying with time is more than just an art in itself. A journey that most people look for. And to be an owner of such art, to give life again to something that was once dark, is rewarding to both the mind and soul. Why not put this experience into a wearable piece of jewelry? Think about it.”
This new discovery and undertaking was far from easy. It took Daniel a year of trial and error to stabilize the bone before he could inlay it into a ring. Many times, the bone texture collapsed under the pressure of the stabilization process. It was not like solid materials that are traditionally stabilized in the industry. After numerous attempts and experimenting with different methods, he finally mastered it. This now-carefully guarded secret gave him a distinct edge in his career, leading him to pioneer the human bone ring in all its brilliance.
So, it was time for Daniel Rosini to set himself apart from what is being done in today’s handmade ring industry! This is very exciting for both Daniel’s artistic portfolio and himself. There is finally a purpose and message that lays behind every ring made. This is his dream with creating rings, and this is the message Daniel Rosini wants to deliver to every client and owner of his ring art.
“In the world I’ve crafted for myself, I find a profound sense of peace, joy, and anticipation. I’m thrilled to continue this journey, offering my art to those who truly appreciate it—whether it’s ink beneath their skin or metal they can wear. Each piece tells a story, a narrative that begins with my imagination and continues through those who carry it forward. This daily exchange of creativity and connection is the most fulfilling part of my life. Let’s venture on this artistic journey together – it brings both meaning and completion to my life’s work.”
Whether you’re looking for a distinctive tattoo in Morris County, NJ, or a luxury handmade ring that stands out across the United States and beyond, Daniel’s work is designed to inspire and captivate. Explore his Tattoo Portfolio or Ring Portfolio to discover the artistry that sets his work apart.